What is Middle Class Income in Maryland? (Income Calculator)

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What is Middle Class Income in Maryland?

How much you should make a year to be considered middle class in Maryland depends on your family size. For context, the latest US Census (2024) indicates a median income of $98,461 in Maryland. Generally, being part of the middle class in Maryland means earning between $67,291 to $260,896 annually, again depending on your family size. The table below provides a detailed picture of these income ranges for different family sizes, from two-person households to families of seven.

  • 2-person family middle-class income range: $67,291 to $200,870
  • 3-person family middle-class income range: $81,974 to $244,700
  • 4-person family middle-class income range: $97,258 to $290,324
  • 5-person family middle-class income range: $93,645 to $279,540
  • 6-person family middle-class income range: $90,282 to $269,500
  • 7-person family middle-class income range: $87,400 to $260,896

Here’s a Quick Guide for Every Family Size: Curious to know about where your family fits in Maryland’s economic system. Find your income range that defines your status.

Income Tier Calculator

Source: census.govjustice.gov

What is Median Income in Maryland?

According to data from justice.gov, This table below provides a breakdown of the median income for families ranging from one to four members.

Family SizeMedian Income Range
1-person family:$75,214
2-person family:$98,840
3-person family:$113,994
4-person family:$138,054

Note: Each individual beyond a four-person family, an extra $9,900 is considered.

The latest US Census Bureau economic figures reveal a median household income of $98,461 and a per capita income of $49,865 in Maryland, reflecting positive financial health in the state. However, despite these favorable statistics, 9.6% of Marylanders live below the poverty line.

Conversely, neighboring Pennsylvania demonstrates a median household income of $73,170 and a per capita income of $41,234, with 11.80% of its population living below the poverty line. This presents a nuanced perspective on the economic landscape across these neighboring states.

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